A downloadable asset pack

Proof of concept game: https://cowheel.itch.io/life-on-pectenya

One of my fursonas, so to speak, and the base template for the main character of Life on Pectenya, at least in my mind. Muñidj is the nickname of this form, which can also be spelled Munyich (moo-nyee-tch, "sweet flavor") and Muñiri/Munyili (moo-nyee-lee). Although human, this twisted being has since taken on various other forms, from mundane to alien. The armature skeleton is shared with other, unpublished models so it's quite messy.


When life on Sant and Earth became extinct creatures known as solnanans, santorans and humans were faced with a choice: either give up all attachments and reach liberation or be reborn as a completely different structure elsewhere in the universe, sentient or not.

The righteous ones chose the former. The wicked ones artificially extended their metaphysical existence and became shades, twisting reality with their own metaphysical pocket dimensions. One such pocket dimension came to be known as the Cosmic Shade, an extremely aggressive faction that seeks to destroy or neutralise all other shades. Another is the so-called Chthonic Shade, a caricature of the various underworlds featured in human cultures.

The Chthonic Shade is a level of existence maintained by the persisting metaphysical impressions of wicked human beings. One specific location takes the form of a planet that loosely emulates Hell from Dante's work. Here, the "New Hell" and its circles are defined as lines of latidude, while "Old Hell" takes the form of a massive crater in the south pole centered around the "prince" (a type of governor), an artificial metaphysical construct.


Muñiri.7z 393 kB